Lyon Ingénierie Projets (LIP), France, is an SME and a subsidiary of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the Hospices Civils de Lyon.
Since the creation of the company in 2006, its mission is project management and engineering. The company gathers now 35 collaborators who work on a privileged partnership with 3000 researchers and lecturers to prepare, submit and implement collaborative research and innovation initiatives. The important network of partners that is built together with research institutes and with the valuable economic and institutional organization allows LIP to act as an innovation actor operating on the whole national territory and beyond, in most European Countries.
LIP is a professional management institution, having large experience of the EU FP projects participation and implementation, managing of the project results, which will be extremely useful for the SPARTE consortium. LIP, as the subsidiary of UCBL and HCL in charge of the setting-up and follow up of both institutions’ research projects, has extensive experience in implementing such initiatives.
©Eric.Le Roux/Communication/UCBL

Patricia Odet
Patricia Odet, Head of European projects management at Lyon Ingénierie Projets has been in charge of the administrative, financial and legal management of more than 20 European-funded collaborative projects corresponding to up to 20 M€ funding in parallel and more than 50 M€ in total over the past 20 years.
Based on her strong experience in the management of transnational and intersectorial large consortia in various fields, she will be in charge of the overall financial and administrative tasks, so as to ensure efficient project management and to assist the VIRUSong coordinator and consortium with the monitoring of the different work packages.
Her expertise already allowed her to successfully manage projects in diverse fields according to various funding schemes like FAPIC (H2020-PHC-RIA), Algae4A-B (H2020-MSCA-RISE), Nano3Bio (FP7-KBBE CP-TP-SME), PIPER (FP7-TRANSPORT- CP-FP), Fluresp (EU Health programme), Echoutcome (FP7-HEALTH- CP-FP), Mold4prodE (FP7- NMP-CP-TP-SME), PolyModE (FP7-KBBE-IP), NanoBioSaccharides (FP6–NMP–STREP), PheliNet (FP6-RTN) or the currently running SPARTE (H2020-FET OPEN), UNAT (H2020-MSCA-RISE) and VITRIMAT (H2020-ITN).
Like for these projects, Patricia Odet will focus on efficient management operations in the interest of a smooth project progress.